After you stuff yourself with turkey and all the fixin's this year what are you gonna do next? Well if you're in Los Angeles during November 26-28th maybe you'll want to come on down to LosCon 37, an annual sci-fi convention held at the LAX Marriott. This year the theme is urban fantasy, steampunk and sci-fi noir. This year Phil Foglio (Girl Genius) is the artist guest of honor and Emma Bull (Bone Dance and Territory) the writer guest of honor.
And the convention doesn't end when sun goes down but an entire floor of the hotel is set aside for open room parties each with their own theme such as the 'Gaslight Gathering's Exhibition of the Legendary Floating Curiosity Shoppe'. Hope to see you there!
For those who celebrate Thanksgiving we here at the Manticore Society would like to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy your assorted pies, cakes, turkeys, hams, potatoes, and such!
This Sunday the fourteenth of November the Manticore Society will be holding our first regular meeting at the historic Heritage Square, a living history museum reflecting the settlement and development of Southern California from the Civil War to the early 20th Century. Eight historic structures are located at the museum, constructed during the Victorian Era, which were saved from demolition to educate the public about Southern California's early development. There will be a guided tour by Manticore member Colonel Sir Harry Flashman VC .
We will be gathering at the venue at 12:00pm for a picnic and group photo with the actual meeting starting at 1:00pm sharp, afterwards we'll have the guided tour throughout the historic houses. There is a $10 museum fee. A big thank you goes to Casandra deNocturne for organizing this event and our first regular meeting. Below is the address to the museum and their website. Also as this is a public venue we ask that you please leave all firearms and large contraptions at home as we hope to use this space again in the future.
We've been pretty behind of late here at the Manticore Society but we're finally starting to catch up. In the next few weeks we'll be bring you photos of past events we were not able to put up until now. So enjoy!
These are the photos from the Jr. League W.A.T.C.H. Mummy Scouting Outing event in August at the Mummies of the World Exhibition at the California Science Center organizes by the fantastic Ellie and Coyote Copperbottom. It was the first of what will be many outings in which the Jr. League W.A.T.C.H. are planning to aid the League of S.T.E.A.M. in keeping track of the supernatural throughout the globe.